Baer Sports Talk

Baer Sports Talk

Saturday, May 3, 2014

2014 San Francisco 49ers Draft Preview Offense

The San Fransisco 49ers no doubt are one of the top teams in all of the NFL, they just need a few missing pieces and they will have a real shot at winning a Super Bowl.  This years draft is a great place to do that with how deep that this draft is at a variety of different positions.  The 49ers picks looks like this, with the round being the first number and the second number in parenthesis being the pick number: 1(30), 2(56), 2(61), 3(77), 3(94) 3(100), 4(129), 5(170), 7(242), 7(243) 7(245).  Of course the 49ers are most likely not going to use all of these picks, regardless they should be able to get some very good players at each spot in the draft.  Here is a list of some of the top prospects at each position that the 49ers should look at.  Next to each players name is where each player is projected to go in the draft.  Without further waiting we start out with the quarterbacks:


Aaron Murray 3/4

  David Fales 4/5

   Keith Price 7/FA

  Connor Shaw 7/FA


Tyler Gaffney 4/5

  Isaiah Crowell 6/7

Wide Receivers

Davante Adams 1/2

  Jordan Matthews 2/3

   Bruce Ellington 3/4

  L'Damian Washington 5/6

Tight End
Marcel Jensen 5/6

  Alex Bayer 7/FA

 Offensive Tackles

Michael Schofield 2

  Evan Finkenberg 7/FA


Xavier Su'a-Filo 2

      Tyler Larson 4/5

Hope you enjoy reading up on all of these prospects. Feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree with my picks at who the 49ers should be looking at.  Tomorrow, the defensive players will be up!!

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