Baer Sports Talk

Baer Sports Talk

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"Change" - Oregon Football 2013

Here is the video for Oregon's new football helmets that they will be wearing next year.  I am not sure what to make of these new helmets.... When is enough- enough when it comes to spending money for these helmets that these players wear for one or two games?  I just believe that the money could be put to better uses, such as helping out other sports that need help to save there sports programs.  It just seems like they are spending too much money for these players to look good when it is about the quality of play on the field not the jerseys.  Let me know what you think of the jersey's I would love to hear your opinion.

Bulldog Spotlight: Derek Carr

2013 Top College Football Players: Derek Carr

Derek Carr-  Derek Carr is one of the best quarterbacks in College football, especially when if comes to Non- BCS conferences.  Derek is the brother to New York Giants backup quarterback David Carr, who also played for Fresno State.  Derek is very similar to his brother in a lot of ways including having a very powerful arm  He also has a very quick release and can put the ball right on his receivers hands for them to make a play for him.  He also does not make a lot of mistakes, meaning he does not turn the ball over.  If he does not have anywhere to go with the ball he either throws the ball away or uses his feet to make a play.  You will not see him take many sacks or force balls into places.  With that being said he is a gunslinger, but he knows the right time to force balls into tight windows, but unlike over quarterbacks he has the arm strength to fit balls in tight windows.  Carr's numbers last year were very impressive, he threw for 4,104 yards and tossed 37 touchdown passes to only 7 interceptions.  Derek I believe will be a very good quarterback at the next level because he has the ability to make all the throws necessary in the NFL where the game is a lot faster.  The one thing that I could see that he could improve on is not staring down his receivers.  Other then that he will have a great season for a loaded Fresno State football team and could possibly be in the running for the Heisman trophy.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Supreme Taylor Martinez Highlights

Top College Football Players 2013: Taylor Martinez

Taylor Martinez-  The Nebraska Cornhuskers have not had a quarterback with Martinez's running ability since Eric Crouch.  That is really saying something because Eric Crouch won the Heisman Trophy.  The one thing that Martinez can do better then Crouch is he is a much better pocket passer.  However, he is far from being a finished product.  One weakness that I see is Martinez game, is just like Chuckie Keeton, at times he will leave the pocket too quickly when he just needs to wait just a little longer for his receivers to get open.  He has gotten better at this each and every season that he has been at Nebraska, which is very evident when you put on the game tape.  The strengths of Martinez's game is, his very quick release, along with his ability to escape the rush and make plays happen with his feet.  Taylor threw for 2,871 yards with 23 touchdowns to only 12 picks.  Along with that he also rushed for 1,019 yards and added 10 more touchdowns. When I see Taylor's progress that he has made over the last couple of years I see a guy who has a chance to win a lot of games this year for Nebraska.  He also has the ability to possibly be a quarterback in the NFL if he learns how to better read defenses and make smart decisions with the football.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Chuckie Keeton Sophomore Highlights, Utah State Football 2012

Top College Football Players 2013: Chuckie Keeton

Chuckie Keeton is a 6 foot 2, 200 pound Junior Quarterback from Utah State.  Keeton had a great year for an up and coming Utah State football team.  Last year Chuckie completed 67 percent of his passes for 3,373 yards and tossed 27 touchdowns to only 9 interceptions.  Chuckie also ran for 619 yards and  8 touchdowns.  The strengths for Keeton is his ability to extend plays with his legs and find his receivers down the field.  He has one of the strongest arms in all of college football and he will only continue to mature and get better.  The weakness for Keeton is sometimes he flushes out of the pocket too quickly instead of moving on to his 2nd and 3rd  receivers.  However that is something that he will continue to develop, especially if he wants to be an NFL quarterback someday.  The player that I would compare Keeton to in the NFL is Colin Kaepernick, mainly because of the build and both of their ability to extend plays with their legs.  I strongly believe that Keeton will have another great year for Utah State and he could possibly lead Utah State to a BCS Bowl game.  In terms of being an NFL quarterback he needs to continue to develop his ability to read defenses.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Venric Mark: 2012 Doak Walker Award Semi-Finalist

Top College Football Players 2013: Venric Mark

Venric Mark-  Mark is a 5 foot 8, 175 LB. Junior running back for Northwestern.  Last year he ran for 1,366 yards on 226 carries and scored 12 touchdowns.  Along with what he did running the football he also caught 20 passes for 104 yards and another touchdown.  Venric is a smaller running back that has a lot of quickness and ability to make defenders miss in the open field.  With that being said he also has the ability to run North and South and be able to get tough yards.  He has similar build and toughness to two NFL running backs.  The first running back that I would compare Mark to is Knowshon Moreno, and the other back that I would compare him to is Montee Ball.  Both of these two guys are smaller running backs that rely more on quickness in the open field to get yards.  However, they both have the ability to get the tough yards when they need them.  If there is one weakness to Mark's game, it is being able to catch more passes out of the back field.  In order for him to succeed in the NFL he has to be able to show NFL talent evaluators that he is a complete back.  I think that he is well on his way to being one of the best running backs in Northwestern history and possibly a chance to be a high draft choice when he comes out.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Davante Adams Freshman Highlights

Top College Football Players 2013: Davante Adams

Davante Adams-  The 6 foot 2 wide receiver from Palo Alto California had one of the best seasons that any freshman receiver has ever had.  He ended up finishing the year with 102 receptions for 1,312 yards and scored 14 touchdowns.  Even in today's game of run and shoot offenses Adams numbers were still very impressive.  Adams is a very fluid and effortless runner and uses his very good hands to always catch the football out in front of his body.  Catching the ball out in front of his body allows him to be able to see the whole field and use his ability to make defenders miss tackles.  Adams is not the fastest receiver in the world but makes up for that by running very precise routes and separating himself from his defenders.  He also has the ability to be physical with defenders because of his size.  He still has a lot of room to continue to grow and mature into a truly special receiver.  Adams reminds me a lot of a receiver in the NFL named Brandon Marshall.  I use this comparison because of all the similarities that they have to each others games.  I strongly believe that Adams has the opportunity to be a very successful receiver for a number of years, he just has to continue to work hard.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Anthony Barr 2012 Highlights

Top College Football Players 2013: Anthony Barr

Anthony Barr

Anthony Barr is probably one of the most exciting linebackers that UCLA football has ever had in the history of there great program.  When you think right off the top of your head about UCLA you immediately think about the great offense that they have.  You really do not think too much about defense with UCLA.  However over the last couple of years UCLA's defense has been one of the most improved defenses in all of college football.  The key to the rise of the UCLA defense has been having very quick and versatile linebackers who can do just about everything, from stopping the run to defending the pass.  Barr has a lot of quickness and flat out has the extreme ability to get to the quarterback at will.  But that is not all that he can do, Barr also has the ability to drop back into coverage and make plays in the passing game as well.  Because of Barr's ability to be very versatile it allows him to be able to stay on the field for long stretches of time, which only benefits the defense even more.  Although it is really hard for a defensive player to ever win the Heisman trophy, if Barr continues to grow into the all around linebacker that he is capable of, he could very well find himself fighting for the Heisman Trophy.

2013 College Football Season Countdown

Today marks the day that we are now 79 days away from the official start to the College Football season.  Being that I am a huge fan of college football, I thought that it would now be a good idea to start a list of the top players in college football.  I will begin with a list that I have made of the top players in college football for this coming year.  At the end of my list I will then put in a list to my top 10 list of Heisman candidates.  The list of Heisman candidates will be revealed exactly 10 days before the start of the College Football season.  If you are unaware of the first game of the college season it is on Thursday August 29th, 2013.  On the side of my blog I have a countdown widget for you to see how many days we have left until kickoff.  I hope you enjoy my list of the top players and if you have a different list feel free to send me your list, I love to talk College Football with whoever wants to talk football.